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Friday 18 december 2009 - 10:33:59

Se buscan alpinistas para expedición al Manaslu (Nepal)

Dear Climber,

We are organising an expedition to climb the world´s eighth highest mountain in the world, Mt Manaslu (8,163 m), currently the most attainable 8,000m peak.

We are organising this climb with Monviso Treks and Expedition from Nepal in 2010 with world-class climbing sherpas and in the spring which is the best season for this type of climb. We have managed to secure places at very competitive prices.

We are looking for additional keen team members/climbers interested in joining us on this unique climb. We can accommodate climbers of most nationalities as we speak English, Italian, Spanish and French between us.

Full details of the expedition along with prices can be found here: (zipped pdf file)

Please note: climbers already taking part in this expedition do not have any financial stake in this expedition but are merely looking for other climbers interested in joining us on this unique opportunity to climb an 8,000m peak.

Thank you,

Best regards,

Mike Garvin.


expandir todo contraer todo 1 Respuestas Última respuesta Friday 18 december 2009 - 16:02

Friday 18 december 2009 - 16:02

Hello Mike Garvin :

Thank you for your information.

Here in Spain we have agencies and independent groups that also go to expeditions to Nepal, Pakistan and other interesting sites(places).
 And the prices here is it(he,she) mas economic that those that this expedition costs, probably could adjust mas not?.

Regards and luck.

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