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Thursday 5 july 2018 - 11:08:37

Default Climbing issues


I know this has been mentioned before, but I think it would be great if the devs could fix the issue of being "pushed out" from the wall when trying to jump. It is truly infuriating. There is no correlation with reality; no one in the universe jumps straight up and suddenly floats sideways five or six feet. I am trying to make it through Raiding the Giant's Vault and the steps are too large / high to simply climb; you have to jump. I am CONSTANTLY being pushed out when jumping straight up, not into an overhang or anything, and it is extremely annoying. Mario Brothers-type quests are not a favorite of mine to begin with, but this glitch nearly makes them unbearable.

Any help will be apprecited.

I did not find the right solution from the Internet.


Thank you.



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